'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); exports.bind = undefined; var _bind; function _load_bind() { return (_bind = _interopRequireDefault(require('./bind'))); } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : {default: obj}; } const install = function(g) { for ( var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++ ) { args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } const test = (title, test, timeout) => (0, (_bind || _load_bind()).default)(g.test).apply(undefined, args)( title, test, timeout ); test.skip = (0, (_bind || _load_bind()).default)(g.test.skip).apply( undefined, args ); test.only = (0, (_bind || _load_bind()).default)(g.test.only).apply( undefined, args ); const it = (title, test, timeout) => (0, (_bind || _load_bind()).default)(g.it).apply(undefined, args)( title, test, timeout ); it.skip = (0, (_bind || _load_bind()).default)(g.it.skip).apply( undefined, args ); it.only = (0, (_bind || _load_bind()).default)(g.it.only).apply( undefined, args ); const xit = (0, (_bind || _load_bind()).default)(g.xit).apply( undefined, args ); const fit = (0, (_bind || _load_bind()).default)(g.fit).apply( undefined, args ); const xtest = (0, (_bind || _load_bind()).default)(g.xtest).apply( undefined, args ); const describe = (title, suite, timeout) => (0, (_bind || _load_bind()).default)(g.describe, false).apply( undefined, args )(title, suite, timeout); describe.skip = (0, (_bind || _load_bind()).default)( g.describe.skip, false ).apply(undefined, args); describe.only = (0, (_bind || _load_bind()).default)( g.describe.only, false ).apply(undefined, args); const fdescribe = (0, (_bind || _load_bind()).default)( g.fdescribe, false ).apply(undefined, args); const xdescribe = (0, (_bind || _load_bind()).default)( g.xdescribe, false ).apply(undefined, args); return { describe: describe, fdescribe: fdescribe, fit: fit, it: it, test: test, xdescribe: xdescribe, xit: xit, xtest: xtest }; }; /** * Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * */ const each = function() { for ( var _len2 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++ ) { args[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; } return install.apply(undefined, [global].concat(args)); }; each.withGlobal = g => function() { for ( var _len3 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len3), _key3 = 0; _key3 < _len3; _key3++ ) { args[_key3] = arguments[_key3]; } return install.apply(undefined, [g].concat(args)); }; exports.bind = (_bind || _load_bind()).default; exports.default = each;