/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const DependencyReference = require("./DependencyReference"); const HarmonyImportDependency = require("./HarmonyImportDependency"); const Template = require("../Template"); const HarmonyLinkingError = require("../HarmonyLinkingError"); /** @typedef {import("../Module")} Module */ /** @typedef {"missing"|"unused"|"empty-star"|"reexport-non-harmony-default"|"reexport-named-default"|"reexport-namespace-object"|"reexport-non-harmony-default-strict"|"reexport-fake-namespace-object"|"rexport-non-harmony-undefined"|"safe-reexport"|"checked-reexport"|"dynamic-reexport"} ExportModeType */ /** @type {Map} */ const EMPTY_MAP = new Map(); class ExportMode { /** * @param {ExportModeType} type type of the mode */ constructor(type) { /** @type {ExportModeType} */ this.type = type; /** @type {string|null} */ this.name = null; /** @type {Map} */ this.map = EMPTY_MAP; /** @type {Module|null} */ this.module = null; /** @type {string|null} */ this.userRequest = null; } } const EMPTY_STAR_MODE = new ExportMode("empty-star"); class HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency extends HarmonyImportDependency { constructor( request, originModule, sourceOrder, parserScope, id, name, activeExports, otherStarExports, strictExportPresence ) { super(request, originModule, sourceOrder, parserScope); this.id = id; this.name = name; this.activeExports = activeExports; this.otherStarExports = otherStarExports; this.strictExportPresence = strictExportPresence; } get type() { return "harmony export imported specifier"; } getMode(ignoreUnused) { const name = this.name; const id = this.id; const used = this.originModule.isUsed(name); const importedModule = this._module; if (!importedModule) { const mode = new ExportMode("missing"); mode.userRequest = this.userRequest; return mode; } if ( !ignoreUnused && (name ? !used : this.originModule.usedExports === false) ) { const mode = new ExportMode("unused"); mode.name = name || "*"; return mode; } const strictHarmonyModule = this.originModule.buildMeta.strictHarmonyModule; if (name && id === "default" && importedModule.buildMeta) { if (!importedModule.buildMeta.exportsType) { const mode = new ExportMode( strictHarmonyModule ? "reexport-non-harmony-default-strict" : "reexport-non-harmony-default" ); mode.name = name; mode.module = importedModule; return mode; } else if (importedModule.buildMeta.exportsType === "named") { const mode = new ExportMode("reexport-named-default"); mode.name = name; mode.module = importedModule; return mode; } } const isNotAHarmonyModule = importedModule.buildMeta && !importedModule.buildMeta.exportsType; if (name) { let mode; if (id) { // export { name as name } if (isNotAHarmonyModule && strictHarmonyModule) { mode = new ExportMode("rexport-non-harmony-undefined"); mode.name = name; } else { mode = new ExportMode("safe-reexport"); mode.map = new Map([[name, id]]); } } else { // export { * as name } if (isNotAHarmonyModule && strictHarmonyModule) { mode = new ExportMode("reexport-fake-namespace-object"); mode.name = name; } else { mode = new ExportMode("reexport-namespace-object"); mode.name = name; } } mode.module = importedModule; return mode; } const hasUsedExports = Array.isArray(this.originModule.usedExports); const hasProvidedExports = Array.isArray( importedModule.buildMeta.providedExports ); const activeFromOtherStarExports = this._discoverActiveExportsFromOtherStartExports(); // export * if (hasUsedExports) { // reexport * with known used exports if (hasProvidedExports) { const map = new Map( this.originModule.usedExports .filter(id => { if (id === "default") return false; if (this.activeExports.has(id)) return false; if (activeFromOtherStarExports.has(id)) return false; if (!importedModule.buildMeta.providedExports.includes(id)) return false; return true; }) .map(item => [item, item]) ); if (map.size === 0) { return EMPTY_STAR_MODE; } const mode = new ExportMode("safe-reexport"); mode.module = importedModule; mode.map = map; return mode; } const map = new Map( this.originModule.usedExports .filter(id => { if (id === "default") return false; if (this.activeExports.has(id)) return false; if (activeFromOtherStarExports.has(id)) return false; return true; }) .map(item => [item, item]) ); if (map.size === 0) { return EMPTY_STAR_MODE; } const mode = new ExportMode("checked-reexport"); mode.module = importedModule; mode.map = map; return mode; } if (hasProvidedExports) { const map = new Map( importedModule.buildMeta.providedExports .filter(id => { if (id === "default") return false; if (this.activeExports.has(id)) return false; if (activeFromOtherStarExports.has(id)) return false; return true; }) .map(item => [item, item]) ); if (map.size === 0) { return EMPTY_STAR_MODE; } const mode = new ExportMode("safe-reexport"); mode.module = importedModule; mode.map = map; return mode; } const mode = new ExportMode("dynamic-reexport"); mode.module = importedModule; return mode; } getReference() { const mode = this.getMode(false); switch (mode.type) { case "missing": case "unused": case "empty-star": return null; case "reexport-non-harmony-default": case "reexport-named-default": return new DependencyReference( mode.module, ["default"], false, this.sourceOrder ); case "reexport-namespace-object": case "reexport-non-harmony-default-strict": case "reexport-fake-namespace-object": case "rexport-non-harmony-undefined": return new DependencyReference( mode.module, true, false, this.sourceOrder ); case "safe-reexport": case "checked-reexport": return new DependencyReference( mode.module, Array.from(mode.map.values()), false, this.sourceOrder ); case "dynamic-reexport": return new DependencyReference( mode.module, true, false, this.sourceOrder ); default: throw new Error(`Unknown mode ${mode.type}`); } } _discoverActiveExportsFromOtherStartExports() { if (!this.otherStarExports) return new Set(); const result = new Set(); // try to learn impossible exports from other star exports with provided exports for (const otherStarExport of this.otherStarExports) { const otherImportedModule = otherStarExport._module; if ( otherImportedModule && Array.isArray(otherImportedModule.buildMeta.providedExports) ) { for (const exportName of otherImportedModule.buildMeta .providedExports) { result.add(exportName); } } } return result; } getExports() { if (this.name) { return { exports: [this.name], dependencies: undefined }; } const importedModule = this.module; if (!importedModule) { // no imported module available return { exports: null, dependencies: undefined }; } if (Array.isArray(importedModule.buildMeta.providedExports)) { return { exports: importedModule.buildMeta.providedExports.filter( id => id !== "default" ), dependencies: [importedModule] }; } if (importedModule.buildMeta.providedExports) { return { exports: true, dependencies: undefined }; } return { exports: null, dependencies: [importedModule] }; } getWarnings() { if ( this.strictExportPresence || this.originModule.buildMeta.strictHarmonyModule ) { return []; } return this._getErrors(); } getErrors() { if ( this.strictExportPresence || this.originModule.buildMeta.strictHarmonyModule ) { return this._getErrors(); } return []; } _getErrors() { const importedModule = this._module; if (!importedModule) { return; } if (!importedModule.buildMeta || !importedModule.buildMeta.exportsType) { // It's not an harmony module if ( this.originModule.buildMeta.strictHarmonyModule && this.id !== "default" ) { // In strict harmony modules we only support the default export const exportName = this.id ? `the named export '${this.id}'` : "the namespace object"; return [ new HarmonyLinkingError( `Can't reexport ${exportName} from non EcmaScript module (only default export is available)` ) ]; } return; } if (!this.id) { return; } if (importedModule.isProvided(this.id) !== false) { // It's provided or we are not sure return; } // We are sure that it's not provided const idIsNotNameMessage = this.id !== this.name ? ` (reexported as '${this.name}')` : ""; const errorMessage = `"export '${ this.id }'${idIsNotNameMessage} was not found in '${this.userRequest}'`; return [new HarmonyLinkingError(errorMessage)]; } updateHash(hash) { super.updateHash(hash); const hashValue = this.getHashValue(this._module); hash.update(hashValue); } getHashValue(importedModule) { if (!importedModule) { return ""; } const stringifiedUsedExport = JSON.stringify(importedModule.usedExports); const stringifiedProvidedExport = JSON.stringify( importedModule.buildMeta.providedExports ); return ( importedModule.used + stringifiedUsedExport + stringifiedProvidedExport ); } } module.exports = HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency; HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependency.Template = class HarmonyExportImportedSpecifierDependencyTemplate extends HarmonyImportDependency.Template { harmonyInit(dep, source, runtime, dependencyTemplates) { super.harmonyInit(dep, source, runtime, dependencyTemplates); const content = this.getContent(dep); source.insert(-1, content); } getHarmonyInitOrder(dep) { if (dep.name) { const used = dep.originModule.isUsed(dep.name); if (!used) return NaN; } else { const importedModule = dep._module; const activeFromOtherStarExports = dep._discoverActiveExportsFromOtherStartExports(); if (Array.isArray(dep.originModule.usedExports)) { // we know which exports are used const unused = dep.originModule.usedExports.every(id => { if (id === "default") return true; if (dep.activeExports.has(id)) return true; if (importedModule.isProvided(id) === false) return true; if (activeFromOtherStarExports.has(id)) return true; return false; }); if (unused) return NaN; } else if ( dep.originModule.usedExports && importedModule && Array.isArray(importedModule.buildMeta.providedExports) ) { // not sure which exports are used, but we know which are provided const unused = importedModule.buildMeta.providedExports.every(id => { if (id === "default") return true; if (dep.activeExports.has(id)) return true; if (activeFromOtherStarExports.has(id)) return true; return false; }); if (unused) return NaN; } } return super.getHarmonyInitOrder(dep); } getContent(dep) { const mode = dep.getMode(false); const module = dep.originModule; const importedModule = dep._module; const importVar = dep.getImportVar(); switch (mode.type) { case "missing": return `throw new Error(${JSON.stringify( `Cannot find module '${mode.userRequest}'` )});\n`; case "unused": return `${Template.toNormalComment( `unused harmony reexport ${mode.name}` )}\n`; case "reexport-non-harmony-default": return ( "/* harmony reexport (default from non-harmony) */ " + this.getReexportStatement( module, module.isUsed(mode.name), importVar, null ) ); case "reexport-named-default": return ( "/* harmony reexport (default from named exports) */ " + this.getReexportStatement( module, module.isUsed(mode.name), importVar, "" ) ); case "reexport-fake-namespace-object": return ( "/* harmony reexport (fake namespace object from non-harmony) */ " + this.getReexportFakeNamespaceObjectStatement( module, module.isUsed(mode.name), importVar ) ); case "rexport-non-harmony-undefined": return ( "/* harmony reexport (non default export from non-harmony) */ " + this.getReexportStatement( module, module.isUsed(mode.name), "undefined", "" ) ); case "reexport-non-harmony-default-strict": return ( "/* harmony reexport (default from non-harmony) */ " + this.getReexportStatement( module, module.isUsed(mode.name), importVar, "" ) ); case "reexport-namespace-object": return ( "/* harmony reexport (module object) */ " + this.getReexportStatement( module, module.isUsed(mode.name), importVar, "" ) ); case "empty-star": return "/* empty/unused harmony star reexport */"; case "safe-reexport": return Array.from(mode.map.entries()) .map(item => { return ( "/* harmony reexport (safe) */ " + this.getReexportStatement( module, module.isUsed(item[0]), importVar, importedModule.isUsed(item[1]) ) + "\n" ); }) .join(""); case "checked-reexport": return Array.from(mode.map.entries()) .map(item => { return ( "/* harmony reexport (checked) */ " + this.getConditionalReexportStatement( module, item[0], importVar, item[1] ) + "\n" ); }) .join(""); case "dynamic-reexport": { const activeExports = new Set([ ...dep.activeExports, ...dep._discoverActiveExportsFromOtherStartExports() ]); let content = "/* harmony reexport (unknown) */ for(var __WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__ in " + importVar + ") "; // Filter out exports which are defined by other exports // and filter out default export because it cannot be reexported with * if (activeExports.size > 0) { content += "if(" + JSON.stringify(Array.from(activeExports).concat("default")) + ".indexOf(__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__) < 0) "; } else { content += "if(__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__ !== 'default') "; } const exportsName = dep.originModule.exportsArgument; return ( content + `(function(key) { __webpack_require__.d(${exportsName}, key, function() { return ${importVar}[key]; }) }(__WEBPACK_IMPORT_KEY__));\n` ); } default: throw new Error(`Unknown mode ${mode.type}`); } } getReexportStatement(module, key, name, valueKey) { const exportsName = module.exportsArgument; const returnValue = this.getReturnValue(name, valueKey); return `__webpack_require__.d(${exportsName}, ${JSON.stringify( key )}, function() { return ${returnValue}; });\n`; } getReexportFakeNamespaceObjectStatement(module, key, name) { const exportsName = module.exportsArgument; return `__webpack_require__.d(${exportsName}, ${JSON.stringify( key )}, function() { return __webpack_require__.t(${name}); });\n`; } getConditionalReexportStatement(module, key, name, valueKey) { if (valueKey === false) { return "/* unused export */\n"; } const exportsName = module.exportsArgument; const returnValue = this.getReturnValue(name, valueKey); return `if(__webpack_require__.o(${name}, ${JSON.stringify( valueKey )})) __webpack_require__.d(${exportsName}, ${JSON.stringify( key )}, function() { return ${returnValue}; });\n`; } getReturnValue(name, valueKey) { if (valueKey === null) { return `${name}_default.a`; } if (valueKey === "") { return name; } if (valueKey === false) { return "/* unused export */ undefined"; } return `${name}[${JSON.stringify(valueKey)}]`; } };