123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215 |
- 'use strict'
- const addBangNotes = require('./add-bang-notes')
- const compareFunc = require('compare-func')
- const Q = require('q')
- const readFile = Q.denodeify(require('fs').readFile)
- const resolve = require('path').resolve
- const releaseAsRe = /release-as:\s*\w*@?([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9a-z]+(-[0-9a-z.]+)?)\s*/i
- /**
- * Handlebar partials for various property substitutions based on commit context.
- */
- const owner = '{{#if this.owner}}{{~this.owner}}{{else}}{{~@root.owner}}{{/if}}'
- const host = '{{~@root.host}}'
- const repository = '{{#if this.repository}}{{~this.repository}}{{else}}{{~@root.repository}}{{/if}}'
- module.exports = function (config) {
- config = defaultConfig(config)
- const commitUrlFormat = expandTemplate(config.commitUrlFormat, {
- host,
- owner,
- repository
- })
- const compareUrlFormat = expandTemplate(config.compareUrlFormat, {
- host,
- owner,
- repository
- })
- const issueUrlFormat = expandTemplate(config.issueUrlFormat, {
- host,
- owner,
- repository,
- id: '{{this.issue}}',
- prefix: '{{this.prefix}}'
- })
- return Q.all([
- readFile(resolve(__dirname, './templates/template.hbs'), 'utf-8'),
- readFile(resolve(__dirname, './templates/header.hbs'), 'utf-8'),
- readFile(resolve(__dirname, './templates/commit.hbs'), 'utf-8'),
- readFile(resolve(__dirname, './templates/footer.hbs'), 'utf-8')
- ])
- .spread((template, header, commit, footer) => {
- const writerOpts = getWriterOpts(config)
- writerOpts.mainTemplate = template
- writerOpts.headerPartial = header
- .replace(/{{compareUrlFormat}}/g, compareUrlFormat)
- writerOpts.commitPartial = commit
- .replace(/{{commitUrlFormat}}/g, commitUrlFormat)
- .replace(/{{issueUrlFormat}}/g, issueUrlFormat)
- writerOpts.footerPartial = footer
- return writerOpts
- })
- }
- function findTypeEntry (types, commit) {
- const typeKey = (commit.revert ? 'revert' : (commit.type || '')).toLowerCase()
- return types.find((entry) => {
- if (entry.type !== typeKey) {
- return false
- }
- if (entry.scope && entry.scope !== commit.scope) {
- return false
- }
- return true
- })
- }
- function getWriterOpts (config) {
- config = defaultConfig(config)
- return {
- transform: (commit, context) => {
- let discard = true
- const issues = []
- const entry = findTypeEntry(config.types, commit)
- // adds additional breaking change notes
- // for the special case, test(system)!: hello world, where there is
- // a '!' but no 'BREAKING CHANGE' in body:
- addBangNotes(commit)
- // Add an entry in the CHANGELOG if special Release-As footer
- // is used:
- if ((commit.footer && releaseAsRe.test(commit.footer)) ||
- (commit.body && releaseAsRe.test(commit.body))) {
- discard = false
- }
- commit.notes.forEach(note => {
- note.title = 'BREAKING CHANGES'
- discard = false
- })
- // breaking changes attached to any type are still displayed.
- if (discard && (entry === undefined ||
- entry.hidden)) return
- if (entry) commit.type = entry.section
- if (commit.scope === '*') {
- commit.scope = ''
- }
- if (typeof commit.hash === 'string') {
- commit.shortHash = commit.hash.substring(0, 7)
- }
- if (typeof commit.subject === 'string') {
- // Issue URLs.
- config.issuePrefixes.join('|')
- const issueRegEx = '(' + config.issuePrefixes.join('|') + ')' + '([0-9]+)'
- const re = new RegExp(issueRegEx, 'g')
- commit.subject = commit.subject.replace(re, (_, prefix, issue) => {
- issues.push(prefix + issue)
- const url = expandTemplate(config.issueUrlFormat, {
- host: context.host,
- owner: context.owner,
- repository: context.repository,
- id: issue,
- prefix: prefix
- })
- return `[${prefix}${issue}](${url})`
- })
- // User URLs.
- commit.subject = commit.subject.replace(/\B@([a-z0-9](?:-?[a-z0-9/]){0,38})/g, (_, user) => {
- // TODO: investigate why this code exists.
- if (user.includes('/')) {
- return `@${user}`
- }
- const usernameUrl = expandTemplate(config.userUrlFormat, {
- host: context.host,
- owner: context.owner,
- repository: context.repository,
- user: user
- })
- return `[@${user}](${usernameUrl})`
- })
- }
- // remove references that already appear in the subject
- commit.references = commit.references.filter(reference => {
- if (issues.indexOf(reference.prefix + reference.issue) === -1) {
- return true
- }
- return false
- })
- return commit
- },
- groupBy: 'type',
- // the groupings of commit messages, e.g., Features vs., Bug Fixes, are
- // sorted based on their probable importance:
- commitGroupsSort: (a, b) => {
- const commitGroupOrder = ['Reverts', 'Performance Improvements', 'Bug Fixes', 'Features']
- const gRankA = commitGroupOrder.indexOf(a.title)
- const gRankB = commitGroupOrder.indexOf(b.title)
- if (gRankA >= gRankB) {
- return -1
- } else {
- return 1
- }
- },
- commitsSort: ['scope', 'subject'],
- noteGroupsSort: 'title',
- notesSort: compareFunc
- }
- }
- // merge user set configuration with default configuration.
- function defaultConfig (config) {
- config = config || {}
- config.types = config.types || [
- { type: 'feat', section: 'Features' },
- { type: 'feature', section: 'Features' },
- { type: 'fix', section: 'Bug Fixes' },
- { type: 'perf', section: 'Performance Improvements' },
- { type: 'revert', section: 'Reverts' },
- { type: 'docs', section: 'Documentation', hidden: true },
- { type: 'style', section: 'Styles', hidden: true },
- { type: 'chore', section: 'Miscellaneous Chores', hidden: true },
- { type: 'refactor', section: 'Code Refactoring', hidden: true },
- { type: 'test', section: 'Tests', hidden: true },
- { type: 'build', section: 'Build System', hidden: true },
- { type: 'ci', section: 'Continuous Integration', hidden: true }
- ]
- config.issueUrlFormat = config.issueUrlFormat ||
- '{{host}}/{{owner}}/{{repository}}/issues/{{id}}'
- config.commitUrlFormat = config.commitUrlFormat ||
- '{{host}}/{{owner}}/{{repository}}/commit/{{hash}}'
- config.compareUrlFormat = config.compareUrlFormat ||
- '{{host}}/{{owner}}/{{repository}}/compare/{{previousTag}}...{{currentTag}}'
- config.userUrlFormat = config.userUrlFormat ||
- '{{host}}/{{user}}'
- config.issuePrefixes = config.issuePrefixes || ['#']
- return config
- }
- // expand on the simple mustache-style templates supported in
- // configuration (we may eventually want to use handlebars for this).
- function expandTemplate (template, context) {
- let expanded = template
- Object.keys(context).forEach(key => {
- expanded = expanded.replace(new RegExp(`{{${key}}}`, 'g'), context[key])
- })
- return expanded
- }