// pages/orderBy/orderBy.js import { get, post } from '../../utils/http' import { PROJECT_TYPE } from '../../utils/global' import { getStoreInfo } from '../../utils/util' const app = getApp() Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: {}, initData: { current: 0, currentType: 3, currentList: [{ id: 0, title: '精选项目', type: PROJECT_TYPE.project, source: 'project', child: [] }, { id: 1, title: '项目耗材', type: PROJECT_TYPE.product, source: 'product', child: [] }, { id: 2, title: '项目卡券', type: PROJECT_TYPE.cardgoods, source: 'cardgoods', child: [] }, { id: 3, title: '美妆产品', type: PROJECT_TYPE.goods, source: 'goods', child: [] }, { id: 4, title: '次卡', type: PROJECT_TYPE.secondaryCard, source: 'secondaryCard', child: [] } ], currentKeys: {}, currentItemIndex: 0, currentItemCatId: 0, productData: {}, productDataLoading: false, storeId: 0, storeData: {}, inFirstIn: false, navBarData: app.globalData.navBarData, navBarBgClass: '', selectProductList: 0, productListV2: [], showProducePup: false, selectProductData: {}, selectProductIndex: '', selectProductCar: [], onCloseCar: false, showMoney: 0.0, toView: '', orderDiscount: {}, onMakeup: false, // 美妆产品购物车列表 selectMakeupList: [], page: 1, limit: 20, showMoneyGood: 0, // 点击美妆产品购物袋图标标识 isIcon: false, // 产品id sourceId: '', // 每个商品数据 proItem: '', // 美妆产品总数量 sum: 0, // 商品价格 v2_price: '', goods_ids: [], //购物车中的产品id exchangeInfo: [], //需要加购多少商品的价格信息 isFocus: false, //搜索框是否有焦点 searchValue: "", //搜索内容 }, /** * 首页数据 */ getHomeData() { get('api/home', {}, (res) => { this.setData({ homeData: res.data }, ) }) }, /** * 获取当前用户折扣 * 折扣类型,0.无折扣,20.任意三个项目8折,50.新人五折活动,100.仪器免费使用权益 */ orderDiscount() { get('v2/api/order/discount', {}, (res) => { this.setData({ orderDiscount: res.data }, ) }) }, // 选择项目左边的操作 selectProductList(e) { let selectProductList = e.currentTarget.dataset.index this.setData({ selectProductList: selectProductList, toView: 'A' + selectProductList }) }, selectProduct(e) { let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index this.setData({ selectProductIndex: index }) }, rpxTopx(rpx) { let deviceWidth = wx.getSystemInfoSync().windowWidth; //获取设备屏幕宽度 let px = (deviceWidth / 750) * Number(rpx) return Math.floor(px); }, onDoHeight() { let productListV2 = this.data.productListV2 let inHeight = 0 let doHeight = [] doHeight.push(0) for (let i = 0; i < productListV2.length; i++) { if (productListV2[i].products[0] && productListV2[i].products[0].type == 'one') { let needAdd = 0 for (let j = 0; j < productListV2[i].products.length; j++) { needAdd = needAdd + 280 * productListV2[i].products[j].items.length + 140 } inHeight = inHeight + this.rpxTopx(20 + 40 + 20 + needAdd) // console.log('xxxxxxxxxxx走了这里哈哈哈' + needAdd) } else { inHeight = inHeight + this.rpxTopx(20 + 40 + 20 + 280 * productListV2[i].products.length) } doHeight.push(inHeight) } this.setData({ doHeight: doHeight }) // console.log(doHeight) }, scroll(e) { let that = this let doHeight = this.data.doHeight // console.log(e.detail.scrollTop) if (e.detail.scrollTop < doHeight[1] - 20) { that.setData({ selectProductList: 0, }) return } for (let i = 0; i < doHeight.length; i++) { if (e.detail.scrollTop > (doHeight[i] - 20) && e.detail.scrollTop < doHeight[i + 1]) { // console.log(e.detail.scrollTop) that.setData({ selectProductList: i, }) } } // if (e.detail.scrollTop > ) }, // 关闭产品包 onClosePay() { this.setData({ showProducePup: false }) this.setData({ isIcon: this.data.showProducePup }) }, buttomCar: function () { this.setData({ onCloseCar: true }) }, // 删除购物车 inDeleteCarOne(e) { let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index let selectProductCars = this.data.selectProductCar selectProductCars.splice(index, 1) this.setData({ selectProductCar: selectProductCars }) this.showCarMoney() }, toSubmit: function () { if (this.data.selectProductCar.length == 0) { return } wx.navigateTo({ url: '../reserveCar/reserveCar?data=' + JSON.stringify(this.data.selectProductCar) + '&&money=' + this.data.showMoney + '&&type=project', }) // this.setData({ // selectProductCar:[] // }) }, onKeySubmit: function (e) { let keySubmit = e.currentTarget.dataset.item wx.navigateTo({ url: '../reserveCar/reserveCar?data=' + JSON.stringify(keySubmit) + '&&money=' + keySubmit.price + '&&type=one', }) }, showCarMoney() { let that = this let money = 0 let selectProductCars = this.data.current == 3 ? this.data.selectMakeupList : this.data.selectProductCar for (let i = 0; i < selectProductCars.length; i++) { // if (this.data.orderDiscount.discount != 0) { // let discountIn = that.data.orderDiscount.discount / 100 // if (that.data.orderDiscount.discount == 20 && selectProductCars.length < 3) { // money = money + selectProductCars[i].price // } else { // money = money + selectProductCars[i].price - (selectProductCars[i].price * discountIn) // } // } else { money = money + selectProductCars[i].price // } console.log(money, 'moneymoney'); if (selectProductCars[i].selectMaterial) { money = money + selectProductCars[i].selectMaterial.price * 1 } } this.setData({ showMoney: money.toFixed(2) }) }, onCloseCar: function () { this.setData({ onCloseCar: false }) }, // 选择项目 toSelectProduct(e) { let toSelectProduct = e.currentTarget.dataset.item for (let i = 0; i < this.data.selectProductCar.length; i++) { if (toSelectProduct.id == this.data.selectProductCar[i].id) { wx.showToast({ title: '单项目只能选一次!', icon: "none" }) return } } this.setData({ toSelectProduct: toSelectProduct, selectProductIndex: '空', showProducePup: true }) this.productV2(toSelectProduct.id) }, submit_bottom: function () { let selectProductCars = this.data.selectProductCar let toSelectProducts = this.data.toSelectProduct if (this.data.selectProductIndex == '空') { toSelectProducts.selectMaterial = '' } else { toSelectProducts.selectMaterial = this.data.selectProductData.upgrade[this.data.selectProductIndex] } selectProductCars.push(toSelectProducts) this.setData({ showProducePup: false, selectProductCar: selectProductCars }) this.showCarMoney() }, /** * 跳转店铺列表 */ goToStore() { if (this.data.inFirstIn) { return; } wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/store/store?defaultStore=' + JSON.stringify(this.data.homeData.store) }) }, /** * 店铺信息 * /api/store/info */ getStoreInfo(store_id) { get( 'api/store/info', { store_id }, (res) => { this.setData({ ['homeData.store']: res.data }, () => { wx.setStorageSync('store_id', String(store_id)) app.globalData.storeData = res.data } ) console.log(res) } ) }, /** * 获取项目产品数据 * /api/store/info */ productList() { // get( // 'v2/api/product/list', { // store_id: this.data.storeId // }, // (res) => { // this.setData({ // productListV2: res.data // }) // this.onDoHeight() // this.setData({ // selectProductList: app.globalData.toViewIndex, // toView: 'A' + app.globalData.toViewIndex, // }) // console.log(res) // } // ) }, /** * 获取升级产品列表 * /api/store/info */ productV2(id) { get( 'v2/api/product/product', { id: id, store_id: this.data.storeId }, (res) => { this.setData({ selectProductData: res.data }) console.log(res) } ) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { console.log(options, 'options'); this.setData({ navBarHeight: app.globalData.navBarData.navBarHeight }) let data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.initData)) data.storeData = getApp().globalData.storeData data.storeId = data.storeData.id || wx.getStorageSync('store_id') // 存在传入的分类类型 if (options.hasOwnProperty('cat_type')) { data.currentKeys = this.buildKeys(data.currentList, 'type') let _current = data.currentKeys['key_' + options.cat_type] if (_current != undefined) { data.current = _current data.currentType = options.cat_type } } // 存在传入的店铺ID if (options.hasOwnProperty('store_id')) { data.storeId = options.store_id // 更新店铺信息 getStoreInfo(data.storeId) .then((res) => { data.storeData = res this.setData({ storeData: res }) }) .catch(() => {}) } this.setData(data, () => { this.getProductCategory(options) }) this.productList() // this.needAddGood() // 进入页面判断是否是直接跳转到美妆产品的是的话调用修改类型 if (app.globalData.showGoods) { this.gotoGoods() } }, // 监听页面隐藏 onHide() { // 将全局跳转到下单页面是否直接显示美妆产品关闭 app.globalData.showGoods = false }, noneEnoughPeople() { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function () {}, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { console.log('xasdadsa') // this.orderDiscount() let version1 = wx.getStorageSync('version1') if (!version1 || version1 != 1) { this.setData({ // inFirstIn: true }) wx.setStorageSync('version1', 1) } // 当切换了店铺时,重新请求一次数据 let storeData = getApp().globalData.storeData let storeId = storeData.id || wx.getStorageSync('store_id') if (storeId != this.data.storeId && this.data.storeId) { let data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.initData)) this.setData(data, () => { this.setData({ storeId: storeId, storeData: storeData }, () => { this.getProductCategory() this.getStoreInfo(storeId) this.productList() }) }) } else { this.getStoreInfo(storeId) } let that = this let curres = wx.getStorageSync('curre') // console.log('haves1') if (curres && curres == 1) { // console.log('haves') let item = that.data.currentList[0] this.setData({ current: item.id, currentItemIndex: 0, currentType: item.type }, () => { // this.getProduct(item.type, item.child[0].id) let _dataset = { currentTarget: { dataset: { item: item.child[0], index: 0 } } } this.onTabsItem(_dataset) } ) wx.setStorageSync('curre', 0) } setTimeout(() => { if (this.data.current == 3) { // this.needAddGood() } else { this.needAddCar() } }, 500) this.setData({ toView: 'A' + app.globalData.toViewIndex, selectProductList: app.globalData.toViewIndex, }) }, //精选项目 needAddCar() { let toSelectProduct = wx.getStorageSync('toSelectProduct') if (toSelectProduct && JSON.parse(toSelectProduct) == []) { wx.setStorageSync('toSelectProduct', JSON.stringify([])) return } let cardAddData = [] if (toSelectProduct) { cardAddData = JSON.parse(toSelectProduct) } wx.setStorageSync('toSelectProduct', JSON.stringify([])) let selectProductCarData = this.data.selectProductCar for (let i = 0; i < selectProductCarData.length; i++) { if (selectProductCarData[i].id == cardAddData[i].id || cardAddData.id) { return } } console.log(selectProductCarData, 'cardAddData', cardAddData); selectProductCarData = selectProductCarData.concat(cardAddData) this.setData({ //对上一个页面data中的参数进行赋值(上一个页面的数据是在当前页面进行赋值的),就变相实现了向上一个页面传值 selectProductCar: selectProductCarData }) this.showCarMoney() }, //美妆产品 needAddGood() { let params = { store_id: this.data.storeId, page: this.data.page, limit: this.data.limit } get('v2/api/car/list', params, (res) => { if (res.code == 200) { let selectProductCarData = [] selectProductCarData = selectProductCarData.concat(res.data.list) // 购物车产品总数量 let sum = 0 selectProductCarData.map(item => { sum += item.num }) selectProductCarData.sum = sum // 设置美妆产品购物车总数量 this.setData({ sum: sum }) this.setData({ selectMakeupList: selectProductCarData, showMoneyGood: res.data.total_money == null ? "0.00" : res.data.total_money }) if (this.data.selectMakeupList < res.data.count) { this.setData({ page: this.data.page + 1 }) this.needAddGood() } if (res.data.list.length == 0) { this.setData({ onMakeup: false }) } } }) }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () { this.getProduct(this.data.currentType, this.data.currentItemCatId, 1) }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function () {}, /** * 转化对象 */ buildKeys: function (params, key) { let keys = {} for (let i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { let item = params[i] keys['key_' + item[key]] = i } return keys }, /** * 切换tabs */ onTabsChange(e) { console.log(e); if (this.data.inFirstIn) { return; } let item = e.currentTarget.dataset.item this.setData({ current: item.id, currentItemIndex: 0, currentType: item.type }, () => { // this.getProduct(item.type, item.child[0].id) let _dataset = { currentTarget: { dataset: { item: item.child[0], index: 0 } } } this.onTabsItem(_dataset) if (this.data.current == 3) { // this.needAddGood() return } this.showCarMoney() } ) }, /** * 切换子tabs */ onTabsItem(e) { console.log(e, 'e') if (this.data.inFirstIn) { return; } // this.setData({ // inFirstIn:true // }) let that = this let item = e.currentTarget.dataset.item let currentItemIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.index if (!item) { return } this.setData({ currentItemIndex: currentItemIndex, currentItemCatId: item.id }, () => { console.log(this.data.current, 'this.data.current') // if(this.data.current === 4){ // // 查询次卡列表 // this.getSecondaryCardList(that.data.currentType, item.id) // } else { // that.getProduct(that.data.currentType, item.id) // } that.getProduct(that.data.currentType, item.id, 1, 1) } ) }, knowSubmit: function () { this.setData({ inFirstIn: false }) }, /** * 获取产品分类 */ getProductCategory(options = {}) { let { currentList, current, currentType, currentItemIndex, currentItemCatId } = this.data get('api/product/category', {}, (res) => { console.log(res, 'res') let { project, product, cardgoods, other } = res.data currentList[0].child = project currentList[1].child = product currentList[2].child = cardgoods currentList[3].child = other currentList[4].child = cardgoods // 存在传入的分类ID if (options.hasOwnProperty('cat_id')) { let catKyes = this.buildKeys(currentList[current].child, 'id') let _currentItemIndex = catKyes['key_' + options.cat_id] if (_currentItemIndex != undefined) { currentItemIndex = _currentItemIndex currentItemCatId = options.cat_id } } else { current = (other.length > 0 && '4') || (project.length > 0 && '0') || (product.length > 0 && '1') || (product.length > 0 && '3') || (cardgoods.length > 0 && '2') switch (current) { // 默认值 case 0: currentItemCatId = project[0].id break case 1: currentItemCatId = product[0].id break case 2: currentItemCatId = cardgoods[0].id break case 3: currentItemCatId = other[0].id break case 4: currentItemCatId = cardgoods[0].id break } } this.setData({ currentList, current, currentItemIndex, currentItemCatId }, () => { // 卡包跳转 if (app.globalData.isCardBag) { this.setData({ current: 4 },()=>{ app.globalData.isCardBag = false }) } if (project.length > 0) { this.getProduct(currentType, currentItemCatId) } } ) }) }, /** * 项目/产品列表 * type: 数据类型,1项目,2项目耗材,3美妆产品,默认1 */ getProduct(ptype, pcat_id, turn = 0, tabsItemPage, search) { let that = this let key = `pkey_${ptype}_${pcat_id}` let { productData, productDataLoading, storeId } = that.data let pcatData = productData[key] || { total: 0, list: [], page: 1, has_more: 1, type: ptype, cat_id: pcat_id } // if (productDataLoading || !pcatData.has_more) return if (productDataLoading) return // 是否为翻页 if (!turn && pcatData.total > 0) return this.setData({ productDataLoading: true }) let page = tabsItemPage || pcatData.page if (tabsItemPage || search) { pcatData.list = [] } // this.data.current !== 4 ? 'api/product' : // this.data.current !== 4 ? { // store_id: storeId, // type: ptype, // category_id: pcat_id, // page: page, // keyword: this.data.searchValue // } : get( 'v2/api/card/list', { store_id: storeId, category_id: pcat_id, page: page, limit: 5, keyword: this.data.searchValue }, (res) => { that.setData({ productDataLoading: false }) let plist = pcatData.list.concat(res.data.list) page++ pcatData = Object.assign(pcatData, { total: res.data.total, page: page, list: plist, has_more: plist.length < res.data.total && res.data.list.length > 0 }) productData[key] = pcatData this.setData({ productData: productData }) }, (err) => { that.setData({ productDataLoading: false }) } ) }, // 获取需要加购多少商品的价格 getExchangePrice() { post('v2/api/car/plus_project', { store_id: this.data.storeId || wx.getStorageSync('store_id'), goods_id: '', type: 1 }, (res) => { if (res.code == 200) { this.setData({ exchangeInfo: res.data }) } }) }, onOpenMakeup() { // 获取需要加购多少商品的价格 this.getExchangePrice() this.setData({ onMakeup: true }) }, onCloseMakeup() { this.setData({ onMakeup: false }) }, // 删除购物车 inDeleteCarGood(e) { let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index get('v2/api/car/del', { car_id: this.data.selectMakeupList[index].id }, res => { if (res.code == 200) { this.needAddGood() // 获取需要加购多少商品的价格 this.getExchangePrice() } }) }, //购物车结算 toSubmitGood: function () { if (this.data.selectMakeupList.length == 0) { return } // let _projectData = this.data.selectMakeupList // 筛选出购物车中所有商品的id let { goods_ids } = this.data goods_ids = [] this.data.selectMakeupList.map(item => { goods_ids.push(item.goods_id) }) wx.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/goodsOrderConfirm/goodsOrderConfirm?source=goods&storeId=${this.data.storeId}&goods_ids=${goods_ids}&type=1`, }) }, onChangeNum(e) { let params = { car_id: this.data.selectMakeupList[e].id, num: this.data.selectMakeupList[e].num } get('/v2/api/car/add_number', params, res => { if (res.code == 200) { this.needAddGood() // 获取加购多少商品价格 this.getExchangePrice() } }) }, onReduce(e) { let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index let num = this.data.selectMakeupList[index].num num = num - 1 if (num < 0) { num = 0 } let dataNum = `selectMakeupList[${index}].num` this.setData({ [dataNum]: num }) this.onChangeNum(index) }, onLationAdd(e) { let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index let num = this.data.selectMakeupList[index].num num = num + 1 let dataNum = `selectMakeupList[${index}].num` this.setData({ [dataNum]: num }) this.onChangeNum(index) }, // 点击美妆产品购物袋图标显示弹出购物车框 showProduce(e) { console.log(e); this.setData({ showProducePup: true, sourceId: e.target.dataset.proitem.id, proItem: e.target.dataset.proitem }) this.setData({ isIcon: this.data.showProducePup }) }, // 点击美妆产品购物袋加入购物车 submit_add(type) { let params = { goods_id: this.data.sourceId, store_id: this.data.storeId, source: app.globalData.isH5 ? 'h5' : '', share_user_id: app.globalData.shareUserId || "", } post('v2/api/car/add', params, (res) => { if (res.code == 200) { if (type == 'shopping') { wx.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/goodsOrderConfirm/goodsOrderConfirm?storeId=${this.data.storeId}`, }) } else { wx.showToast({ title: '成功加入购物车!', icon: 'none' }) this.needAddGood() setTimeout(() => { // wx.switchTab({ // url: '/pages/orderBy/orderBy?cat_type=3', // }) this.setData({ showProducePup: false, isIcon: false }) }, 1000) } } }) }, // 点击商品或者按钮直接跳转到下单页面的美妆产品页面(进入页面将类型改为美妆产品) gotoGoods() { this.setData({ current: 3, currentType: 3, }) }, // 搜索框 // 搜索焦点 searchFocus() { this.setData({ isFocus: true }) }, // 搜索失去焦点 searchFocusNo() { this.setData({ isFocus: false, }) }, // 取消搜索 cancelSearch() { this.setData({ isFocus: false }) }, // 确认搜索 startSearch() { this.getProduct(this.data.currentType, this.data.currentItemCatId, 1, 1, true) }, // 搜索内容变化时 changeSearch(e) { this.setData({ searchValue: e.detail }) } })